发布人:  发布时间:2023-09-18   浏览次数:

尚晓敏,198812月出生,女,副教授,博士,吉林省食品学会理事,吉林大学青年科技工作者协会会员,吉林大学第六届中青年教师双语教学大赛三等奖获得者。近年来主要围绕蛋品精深加工与副产物综合利用、禽蛋蛋白基料差异化加工与品质提升开展了系列研究,主要从事(a)基于非共价键键合的多尺度蛋清蛋白/多糖复合体系构建及相转变研究;(b)多糖介导的蛋清蛋白热致凝胶特性及增凝机制研究;(cpH响应性蛋清蛋白冷凝胶可控制备及生物活性物质递送研究等。目前以项目负责人身份主持十四五国家重点研发计划项目子任务1项,主持国家自然基金青年基金项目1项,主持吉林省科技厅国际合作项目1项。申请人发表SCI论文十余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表Top期刊SCI论文8篇;大型会议口头报告2次;指导大学生创新创业竞赛项目4项,其中省级3项,省级优秀结题1项;指导本科生获得CIFST-第十三届盼盼食品杯烘焙食品创意大赛全国二等奖;协助指导硕士研究生获得吉林大学优秀硕士毕业论文、优秀毕业研究生等称号。此外受邀担任Food HydrocolloidsFood Chemistry等期刊的审稿人。

电子邮箱:xiaominsyes@hotmail.com; xmshang@jlu.edu.nba买球



2014/09-2018/03 Konkuk University(韩国) 生命资源食品工学 理学博士

2012/10-2014/09 Hirosaki University(日本)农学生命科学 农学硕士

2008/09-2012/07 延边大学 食品科学与工程 工学学士


2023/09-至今 吉林大学 nba买球 副教授

2018/09-2023/08 吉林大学 nba买球 讲师





1Liu J., J Chai., Y Yuan., X Wu., L Gong., P Yu., PT Zhang., R.K Saini., M Yang., X Shang*. (2023). Designation and characterization of cold-set egg white protein/dextran sulfate hydrogel for curcumin entrapment. Food Chemistry, 419, 136038.(中科院一区,IF8.8

2Zhang T, Y Yuan., X Wu., P Yu., J Chai., J Ji., R.K Saini., J Liu., X Shang*. (2023). The level of sulfate substitution of polysaccharide regulates thermal-induced egg white protein gel properties: The characterization of gel structure and intermolecular forces. Food Research International, 173.113349.(中科院一区,IF8.1

3T Zhang., Y Yuan., J Chai., X Wu., R.K Saini., J Liu., X Shang*. (2022). How does dextran sulfate promote the egg white protein to form transparent hydrogel? the gelation mechanism and molecular force changes. Food Hydrocolloids,133,107901.(中科院一区,IF10.7

4Liu J., J Chai., Y Yuan., T Zhang., R.K Saini., M Yang., X Shang*. (2022). Dextran sulfate facilitates egg white protein to form transparent hydrogel at neutral. Food Hydrocolloids,122,107094.(中科院一区,IF10.7

5Liu J., J Chai., T Zhang., Y Yuan., R.K Saini., M Xu., S Li., X Shang*. (2021). Phase behavior, thermodynamic and rheological properties of ovalbumin/ dextran sulfate: Effect of biopolymer ratio and salt concentration. Food Hydrocolloids,118,106777.(中科院一区,IF10.7

6Saini R.K., P Prasad., R.V Sreedhar., K.A Naidu., X Shang., YS Keum. (2021). Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs): Emerging plant and microbial sources, oxidative stability, bioavailability, and health benefits-A Review. Antioxidants, 10, 1627.(中科院二区,IF7.0

7Kim, D., Shang, X., Assefa, A., Keum, Y.S., Saini, R.K. (2018). Metabolite profiling of green, green/red, and red lettuce cultivars: Variation in health beneficial compounds and antioxidant potential. Food Research International, 105, 361-370. (中科院一区,IF8.1

8Shang, X., Muthu, M., Keum, Y.S., Chun, S., & Gopal, J. (2016). An agile, simplified and sonication medicated one-pot aqueous extraction and antibacterial assessment of predominant Korean mushrooms. RSC Advances, 6(15), 143-12157. (中科院三区,IF3.9

9Shang, X., Enkhtaivan, G., Chun, S., Gopal, J., & Keum Y.S. (2016). Transubstantiating commercial mushroom market with ultrasonically ultrasized mushroom powders showcasing higher bioactivity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 92, 1082-1094.(中科院一区,IF8.2

10Saini, R. K., Shang, X., Ko, E.Y., Choi, J. H., Kim, D., & Keum, Y.S. (2016). Characterization of nutritionally important phytoconstituents in minimally processed ready-to-eat baby-leaf vegetables using HPLC-DAD and GC-MS. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 10(2), 341-349.(中科院三区,IF3.4

5. 申请专利

1尚晓敏;张婷;袁一心;柴家乐;刘静波;赵颂宁. 一种利用硫酸化多糖制备高凝胶型蛋清粉的方法[P], 吉林:CN202111539382.12021-12-15.

2)张婷;袁一心;尚晓敏;刘静波;吴昕玲;赵颂宁。一种利用蛋清蛋白/卡拉胶改善猪肉肠凝胶特性的方法[P], 吉林:CN202310580079.92023-07-14.